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Accelerate sourcing timelines with service providers using pre-approved contracts.

Illuminate spend, find savings opportunities, and automate negotiations.

Pipeline Performance Management
Contract Intelligence

Augment your team with strategic sourcing expertise.

Our diverse team of experts are our driving force of change.

Do great things with a supportive team by your side.

Have a question? We want to hear from you!


There is no minimum threshold for any project.  Any contract/category that is less than $500,000 in annual spend will be run through Conductiv's Tail Spend process.

Q.How does Conductiv Contracts compare and/or complement with other group purchasing organizations?
Q.I am a member of another GPO. Can I still participate in Conductiv Contracts?
Q.What is the fee for becoming a member, and what does that process look like?
Q.What is the difference between Express Contracts and Locally-Initiated Contracts?
Q.Service agreements require a deep level of customization. How does Conductiv Contracts take some of the heavy lifting off of my shoulders?
Q.Can I source a category that is not a purchased service (like a product or capital equipment) through the Conductiv Contracts network?
Q.Is there a minimum dollar threshold per contract/category that must be met in order for Conductiv Contracts to run a Locally Initiated Contract?